Medical Affairs spreads knowledge, but the generators of this knowledge can be a source of insights. Here comes in the picture the Opinion Leaders. KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) traditionally have been the most influential figures in medical affairs. They are experts who are highly respected in their field are frequently published, highly sought-after, and able to persuade others. The internet has given rise to a new breed of healthcare influencer: the DOLs (Digital Opinion Leaders) .
Who are DOLs (Digital Opinion Leaders)?
Several new types of key stakeholders are now working with Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) called DOLs. The DOLs are influencers who transitioned their communication channels to the web during the COVID-19 pandemic, while others are social media natives.
Digital Opinion Leaders ( DOLs) are considered a person who is influential within an online community and who others turn to for advice and information.
They are health care professionals involved in influencing public health, public health policies, and public health implementation.
DOLs may be practising or nonpracticing health care professionals; some may no longer be practising but are currently working as health journalists.
DOLs are essentially Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) on a digital platform.
The challenge to involve DOLs in medical affairs:
In this new digital era, Medical Affairs teams are challenged with identifying and successfully engaging the digital opinion leaders (DOLs) who influence physicians through online platforms.
Most Medical Affairs leaders are relatively new to engagement with DOLs, so they are unfamiliar with how to identify, engage, and collaborate with this emerging influencer.
5 tips: Engaging digital opinion leaders
DOLs are essential to any company in the medical affairs industry that wants to grow, be recognized, and move products forward. Here are five tips for finding experts online:
1. Develop your own social media presence
For identifying DOLs, you should pay attention to their social media presence.
Make sure that you have an active social media presence on multiple channels if you want to gain the attention of respected digital opinion leaders.
2. You Must Find the Right DOL to Achieve Your Goals
It is crucial that you identify the top prospects who have the expertise and a detailed understanding of the subject matter you wish to discuss.
Depending on their specializations, you can sort DOLs into different categories. Using the software, you can identify DOLs working on related projects or products.
3. Listen Before You Act
Listening to DOLs can be achieved by using social media channels to gain insights into their concerns.
Medical teams are using social media to engage with a variety of stakeholders on a digital platform using social media listening, also known as social media analytics.
It will give you insight into how different DOLs interact with one another and what their interests are.
This allows you to start a conversation more effectively.
4. Look for Ways to Give Time Back
Giving back time can mean setting up a short call instead of a longer meeting. It is possible to make a good impression even by ending a meeting early. All the DOLs you engage with are looking for more time, so you can give them this gift.
These influencers were initially wary of the platforms outside of the traditional conferences and in-person meetings. However, they are now starting to reap the benefits of digital engagement.
5. Ask for feedback
When your organization welcomes any suggestions a DOL might have, it can potentially improve your organization's services and increase engagement.
By soliciting feedback, you can strengthen your existing relationships while improving future engagement efforts.
Medical affairs teams may need to rethink the value of engaging DOLs, who has emerged from robust online communities.
Thompson, I., 2022. How Medical Affairs Engages with two Types of Digital Opinion Leaders | Medical Affairs Professional Society. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2022].
Team, A., 2021. The Rise of the Digital Opinion Leader in Post-COVID Medical Affairs. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2022]. 2021. 5 Tips to Better Engage With Digital Opinion Leaders. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2022].